About me

Hi There ... Thanks for visiting.

This blog is just a little over a year old, spurred on by a giveaway hosted on  Amy Power's Inspire Co. I contributed a tutorial on how I make my etsy prize ribbons,  for  Amy's Inspired Ideas Magazine", and with the help of my girls, Helana and Ali,  I started this blog and haven't looked back.  I love to create new DIY's and take a look at what inspires me in my day to day life as a mother of 2 teenage girls and a wife of two decades.  Wow! - am I that old - yes I am - I decided not to use the picture of my wrinkled neck :)   (did I mention I have a very extensive scarf collection) 

In the past year I have contributed to 4 of Amy's Magazines and most recently, the spring issue of Gatherings Magazine for  Heather Spriggs.

I can't believe my girls are growing up and now it's time for me to grow as well.  I turned the page on my career in video production and now I am searching for the next thing to inspire and energize me.  So far, blogging has helped me to reach out to others, learn about (just a little bit about) graphic design, photography and styling.  I love it and it's energized me through the days of low iron counts and low motherhood moments.  Life is a journey ... and I continue to travel to my next destination.

Thanks for reading,


If you have any questions you can reach me at my email :   therenaissancefish@rogers.com

My Bloggy Anniversary
A look at some of my tutorials

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